Founded in 1994, Harvest Baptist Church has been active in the Hooksett community for over 25 years, helping those in need and sharing the good news of Jesus. Here, you will find a church family who is welcoming and caring. We love God, His Word, and our community.

Our team comes from all walks of life but they all have two important things in common: a love for Jesus and a love for others. We value a willingness to serve others with integrity in our leadership group.

Josh Trowsdale
Lead Pastor
Josh has been serving as Lead Pastor here at Harvest since November, 2020. A native New Englander, he's served in pastoral ministry for over 25 years. Since 2001, he's been married to his beautiful bride, Jenn, and they have two wonderful daughters, Emma and Evelyn. Josh enjoys hiking, movies, collecting rare books, and his beloved Boston Red Sox.

Jenn Trowsdale
Children's Ministry Deacon
Jenn, in addition to being wife to Josh and mom to Emma & Evelyn, has been serving in children's ministry for over 20 years. A middle school science teacher by trade (and a former microbiologist at Pfizer), Jenn has a passion for science - studying the amazing creation of our great God. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, she also makes a mean plate of biscuits and gravy.

Holly Kuhn
Finance Deacon
Holly does a little bit of everything here at Harvest - taking care of the books, working in the audio-visual booth, teaching a Bible study, and hosting one of our small groups. She's a huge blessing to our church family and a dedicated gramma to her three adorable granddaughters.

Wilson Thomas
Elder & Buildings & Grounds Deacon
Wilson serves as our other elder here at Harvest and SERVE is the operative word. In addition to the "spiritual" duties of leading, praying, and teaching, you can also regularly find Wilson mowing the lawn, shoveling the snow, fixing a toilet, and living out the servant's heart that Jesus taught. Wilson is married to his beautiful bride, Cathy, recently retired from CMC hospital.

Sarah Tello
Community Outreach Deacon
Sarah has a passion for our community as she serves in the area of outreach (though you'll also see her up front on most Sundays with the worship team). Sarah is married to Luke, who serves in the sound booth and lawn maintenance, along with playing hockey and cheering for his beloved Baltimore Orioles.

Charlie Hendren
Prayer & Care Deacon
Charlie is one of the first faces you'll see when you come in the doors on Sunday (along with Wilson) and a friendlier face will be hard to find. Charlie loves people and serves through extended prayer and care for our little church family. He is recently retired from the VA, where for years he served veterans in our community. You'll also never miss Charlie during the worship as he loves to sing and also write poetry for our Lord.

Kim Robertson
Worship Director
We're so excited to have added Kim to our staff as our part-time Worship Director. Formerly our drummer, Kim has moved to vocals and keyboard while also handling all the planning, practices, and numerous details of worship leading.
Kim is a mother of eight and proud gramma of two. She loves music and, more importantly, worshipping our great King, Jesus.