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Small Groups
Growing in Life through Bible Study, Prayer, & Time Together
We want to help people grow in their faith journey by getting together to pray, study the Bible, and spend time "doing life together". Whether a group meets at church or in someone's home, we come together with others for encouragement and growth. As we discover the practical truth of God's Word and how it makes a difference in our everyday lives, we grow and can be a greater blessing to those around us. As some of our groups have limited space, please contact us if you'd like more information on joining a group.

Mid-Week Bible Study
6:00-8:00 p.m. Wednesday nights
Adults, we offer a mid-week opportunity to get together with friends to learn more about God and His timeless truth. Currently, this group is studying C.S. Lewis' classic book, The Screwtape Letters). Led by Robert O'Sullivan & Charlie Hendren.
Mid-Week Prayer & Bible Group
5:30-8:00 p.m. Wednesday nights
Also on Wednesday nights, we offer an in-home group that meets for dinner, prayer, and a short devotional. Our current study in "Who I Am in Christ", about our identity as an adopted child of God.
Led by Pastor Josh.

Sunday Night Small Groups
5:00-7:00 p.m.
On Sunday nights, we offer different kinds of groups - ones that meet once or twice a month. Not everyone's schedule can handle a weekly small group commitment but now there's options for you. Led by Pastor Josh.
2/2 - Marriage Enrichment Group
(dinner & childcare provided - please sign up ahead of time for planning purposes)
2/9 - "Big View of the Bible" Study Group
(we're be going through an overview of the whole Bible over the course of the school year with online and written homework in between classes)
2/16 - Parenting Support Group
(dinner & childcare provided - please sign up ahead of time for planning purposes)
2/23 - NO GROUP (Winter Break)
3/2 - "Big View of the Bible" Study Group
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